
[속보]h1b specialty occupation 및 기간 제한 규정 발표. 60일 이내에 시. Wage rule은 10/8부터

Sun Life 2020. 10. 7. 13:43

[속보]h1b specialty occupation 및 기간 제한 규정 발표. 60일 이내에 시. Wage rule은 10/8부터



The new rule will:

Narrow the definition of “specialty occupation” as Congress intended by closing the overbroad definition that allowed companies to game the system;

Require companies to make “real” offers to “real employees,” by closing loopholes and preventing the displacement of the American worker; and,

Enhance DHS’s ability to enforce compliance through worksite inspections and monitor compliance before, during, and after an H1-B petition is approved




David North, a Center Fellow, expects the new rule will have the following effects:

Rein in what it calls "shadow employers," what others term Indian outsourcing companies, the main middlemen in the H-1B business.

Cut down the time period for initial visas for these employers from the current three years to one year, to give the government greater opportunities to monitor compliance.

Change how the prevailing wage for H-1B workers is calculated, forcing these H-1B employers, on average, to increase the wages paid to these workers.


별 다른 효력정지 가처분이 없으면 (분명 누군가가 소송을 걸 것 같습니다만) interim final rule로 발표된 거라 60일 이후에 바로 시행입니다.


저세한건 퇴근 후에 찬찬히 읽어보고 업데이트 해드리겠습니다.



Edit: 이거 외에 prevailing wage 규정 변경 얘기가 있는데 이건 fed register에 올라오자마자 바로 시행이라고 합니다. 10/8일에 올라올 예정이고 그 이후 부터 바로 적용에 들어갈것으로 보입니다. 현재 접수되어있는 h1b i-129에는 소급해서 적용이 될 건지는 dhs쪽 룰이 올라와야 알 수 있을 것으로 보입니다. https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ETA/oflc/pdfs/DOL-Interim-Final-Rule-Strengthening-Wage-Protections-for-the-Temporary-and-Permanent-Employment-of-Certain-Aliens-in-the-United-States.pdf



마일모아 게시판 - [속보] h1b specialty occupation 및 기간 제한 규정 발표. 60일 이내에 시. Wage rule은 10/8부터 시행...?

첨부 (0) 태그 (0) https://www.dhs.gov/news/2020/10/06/department-homeland-security-and-department-labor-rule-restores-integrity-h-1b-visa The new rule will: Narrow the definition of “specialty occupation” as Congress intended by closing the overbroad definition that allowed companies to game the system;...
